خانه / آموزشی / اقتصاد بهداشت و درمان / Payment System of Diagnosis-Related Groups(Golobal) in Iran

Payment System of Diagnosis-Related Groups(Golobal) in Iran

Archives of Advances in Biosciences

-Gomar A, Alimohammadzadeh KH*, Ghasem Beglo A. The Effect of the Payment System of Diagnosis-Related Groups on the Treatment Costs of Cardiovascular Patients, Admitted to the Selected Hospitals of Tehran in 2018. Archives of Advances in Biosciences 2020: 11(4), Page 29-38

The Effect of the Payment System of Diagnosis-Related Groups on the Treatment Costs of Cardiovascular Patients, Admitted to the Selected Hospitals of Tehran in 2018

Archives of Advances in Biosciences, Vol. 11 No. 4 (2020), 28 November 2020 , Page 29-38


Introduction: Today, financing the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is one of the main problems of low-income and middle-income families. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the payment system of diagnostic-related groups on the treatment costs of cardiovascular patients admitted to the selected hospitals in Tehran.

Materials and Methods: The present study was a descriptive-correlational study. The study population included cardiovascular patients admitted to specialized teaching hospitals in cardiovascular diseases affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services (Tehran Heart Center), Shahid Beheshti (Shahid Rajaei Heart) and also 502 Army Heart Hospital and Tehran Bu Ali Hospital, affiliated to the Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences. The cluster sampling method was used and samples were systematically selected within the clusters.

Results: Implementation of payment system related to diagnosis is effective on the variables of number of days of hospitalization, drug costs and medical equipment, costs of nursing services and medical costs of cardiovascular patients hospitalized in selected hospitals in Tehran, with their relationship being at the level of p <0.001.

Conclusion: It seems that the implementation of the payment system related to the diagnosis could be used to reduce the cost of treatment and the number of days of hospitalization of cardiovascular patients admitted to selected hospitals.  Diagnostic-related groups system can significantly affect the financial health of hospitals and the availability of quality patient-care.


  • Payment System for Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRG)
  • Treatment Costs
  • Cardiovascular Patients

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