خانه / آموزشی / اقتصاد بهداشت و درمان / منابع درس اقتصاد سلامت و بیمه (مقطع دکتری تخصصی)

منابع درس اقتصاد سلامت و بیمه (مقطع دکتری تخصصی)


*1) اقتصاد سلامت: اصول و جریان منابع / [تالیف توماس ای. گتزن؛ مترجمین نکویی مقدم،  امیرسلیمانی و بهرامی :

Health Economics: Fundamentals and Flow of Funds, 2nd ed, 2004

گتزن کیست؟

Image result for Thomas Getzen

Thomas Getzen

Title: Professor Emeritus
Department: Risk, Insurance, and Healthcare Management

Office: Alter Hall 619

E-mail: getzen@temple.edu

Thomas E. Getzen, PhD, is Professor of Risk, Insurance and Health Management at the Fox School of Business, Temple University and Executive Director of iHEA, the International Health Economics Association, with 2400 academic and professional members in 72 countries . He has also served as visiting professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy at Princeton University, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York. His textbook Health Economics: Fundamentals and Flow of Funds (Wiley; 2nd ed., 2004) is used in graduate and undergraduate programs throughout the world. Professor Getzen serves on a number of corporate and non-profit boards. His research focuses on the macroeconomics of health, forecasting medical expenditures and physician supply, price indexes, public health economics, and related issues.

مولف: توماس ای. گتزن

مترجمین: نکویی مقدم، امیرسلیمانی، بهرامی

کتابی دیگر از گتزن

Health Economics and Financing, 5th Edition (EHEP002491) cover image

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