خانه / پژوهشی / بانک مقالات / مقاله؛ ارتباط هوش اخلاقی و خشم در پرستاران بخش‫های اورژانس

مقاله؛ ارتباط هوش اخلاقی و خشم در پرستاران بخش‫های اورژانس

 عسگری ترازوج عابد، علی محمدزاده خلیل*و حجازی شیرین. ارتباط هوش اخلاقی و خشم در پرستاران بخش اورژانس بیمارستان های وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان؛ مجله سلامت و مراقبت دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی اردبیل، دوره ۱۹، شماره ۴( زمستان  ۱۳۹۶)؛؛ ص ۳۷۱ -۳۶۳

مجله سلامت و مراقبت

ارتباط هوش اخلاقی و خشم در پرستاران بخش‫های اورژانس بیمارستان‫های وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان ص. ۲۶۲-۲۷۱
[English Abstract] عابد عسگری ترازوج، خلیل علی محمدزاده *، شیرین حجازی
چکیده (۲۳ مشاهده)   |   متن کامل (PDF) (۱۶ دریافت)
Relationship between Moral Intelligence and Anger among Nurses in Emergency Units of Hospitals Affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences
A Asgari Tarazoj K Ali Mohammadzadeh *S Hejazi
Islamic Azad University of Medicine, Tehran Branch
Abstract:   (۳۳ Views)
Background & Aim: Anger is an internal stressor associated with health issues. Moral intelligence is one of the factors that can affect psychological well-being and control of anger. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between moral intelligence and anger among nurses in emergency units of hospitals affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: This descriptive correlational study was done on 261 nurses working at emergency units of Kashan hospitals that selected by census sampling. Lennick and Kiel’s moral intelligence questionnaire and Perry and Bass’s anger survey were used to collect the data. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistical methods including Spearman’s correlation coefficient and multivariable regression analysis using SPSS v.24.
Results: According to the findings of this study, the mean scores of moral intelligence and anger among participants in the study were 73.06±۸٫۰۸ and 39.18±۱۲٫۳۷, respectively. Spearman correlation test showed that there is a significant negative relationship between the moral intelligence and the anger of the participants in the study (p<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, the level of anger reduces among nurses as their moral intelligence increases. Considering that ethical intelligence is a type of acquired ability, the level of anger can be reduced by promoting it
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Keywords: Moral IntelligenceAngerNurseEmergency.

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